Saturday, July 3, 2010

Back to Algerians

Algerian fans are phenomenal. Nothing on this trip has compared to the warmth of spirit and heart shown by the Algerians I encountered after the US - Algeria game. I had the pleasure of talking with about 8 or so and had a brief exchange with about a further dozen. All 20 said some version of great game, good luck, I hope you win. The 8 each gave me a handshake, smile, and firm embrace. The outpouring of universal brotherhood moved me quite a bit. I'm not sure I thought it was possible in such a pure form. There has been, in my experience, always some hitch, some group of fans with sour grapes or some who ignore you. This for me was pure the display of brotherhood.

Since this time the experience has not been the same. I mentioned it briefly in my post about the Ghana - US game, but as the crowds have become mixed with many more impartial observers the tone has gone out. The exchanges are more convivial than at a US sporting event, but the feeling of warmth and brotherhood of man has gone away. Perhaps it has something to do with expectation - both the US and Algerian fans fall into the category of lucky to be here kinds. Perhaps its because there is generally less tension in the group stages. I don't know. What I can do, is tip my hat to all the wonderful Algerian fans that I met, and to the US fans as well, who were, I am amazed to admit, gracious winners. At the end of the day life may be no matter how we try or do, solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short, but we can, from time to time, find something good and pure.

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